Saturday, October 8, 2016

It Doesnt Matter if James Dobson Does Something

It really doesn't matter if James Dobson does something for the Christian community or not. Professor Leeper mentioned in class about a former student whose Mom had worked in a position under Dr. Dobson. What she said was that since he was doing something for the Christian community, it should be accepted. James Dobson accused the popular cartoon character SpongeBob Squarepants of being a symbol of the gay agenda after a video came out. The video in question was a cover of the disco hit "We Are Family" featuring many prominent cartoon characters at the time. Nothing in the video related to homosexuality at all. SpongeBob himself didn't even sing in the video, there was just a few scenes from the cartoon. The video was meant to be shown to young students with the intention of showing togetherness and unity. It had nothing to do with what Dobson mentioned and SpongeBob was barely featured in it. One of the reasons people dislike Christians is because they see people like Dobson attacking a video for trying to bring people together. That's what people see. All of the problems in the world, and they choose to after a cartoon video designed to promote unity. Therefore, it doesn't matter if James Dobson does something. What matters is doing the right thing.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think that was the exact point that was being made. I think the point was that at least James Dobson was TRYING to do the right thing and was active with his belief instead of simply standing back and not commenting at all about what he believed.
