Saturday, October 8, 2016

Harry Potter and the Half Written Story

(Full spoilers for Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince to follow)

Half Blood Prince is the sixth movie in the Harry Potter franchise and has some of the most questionable story elements in the series. Most of the story revolves around Harry trying to get a professor to give Harry his memories so he can be better equipped to take on Lord Voldermort. the bad guys aren't just sitting on their hands though. They hatched a convoluted plan to kill Dumbledore. So they have this really complex plan to go through a cabinet at the end of the year so they can get into Hogwarts. When they get in there, Draco can't kill Dumbledore so Snape has to do it. Okay? But they wait until the very end of the year to do this. This would have been much better to do it earlier to keep Dumbledore from telling Harry about the Horcruxes. No, instead they spend months putting birds and apples in the cabinet and doing nothing with their life. And the whole process of getting there is stupid too because the two people who might kill Dumbledore, Snape and Draco, ARE ALREADY IN HOGWARTS. Sending extra people is just dumb and pointless and a waste of time. Unless they were going to have the other villains who were there launch a surprise attack on the school during the middle of the night. That would have made too much sense though so they leave in ten minutes. Hey idiots, how about you kill some students while you're there and they're asleep. That way Harry has less people on his side when the major battle comes. Harry Potter's world is full of idiots, similar to ours.

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