Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Inside Out

“Tragedy is inevitable; comedy is unexpected.”  Disney Pixar’s movie Inside Out is the perfect example of this.  Sometimes it’s acceptable to simply focus on a happy ending, but most of the times it’s a tragic beginning that makes the ending happy.  In this movie, Joy and all the other emotions were always aggravated with Sadness.  Just like any human, they didn’t want sadness around, but they were missing the true importance of this feeling.  If every moment was happy and joyful, that feeling would soon become commonplace and boring.  The exciting part of a happy ending is the breaking away from the norm.  Without tragedy, joy would lose its value.  In the end of the movie, the emotions realize the importance of having sadness around.  Often times the happiest memories had started as a sad one; that is the value of tragedy.  For this reason, we shouldn’t overlook sad times and we shouldn’t just skip to the happy end.  Although difficult, we should take the time to appreciate the moment in order to better appreciate the result.  If we spend our lives waiting for the happy ending, we will miss the point of having other emotions and the end won’t be worth it.

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