Wednesday, October 19, 2016

For the Birds

As I did some more looking for more Disney short films, I found myself not just liking them, but really enjoying them and the lesson they give to everyone.  I have never heard of the short films that Disney makes and they are very intriguing to see the different devices that are used to tell a story with a moral.  The way that both children and adults can connect and get the point is very interesting, to say the least.  Everyone that is a different age thinks differently, yet we can all see the themes and feel the same emotion that the film brings out of us. 

            In For the Birds, the directors use animated birds to show a story about birds who bully and try to get away from one bird who is different from all of the smaller birds.  When I think about what the theme is, I believe it is telling us that everyone is the same deep down and that it doesn’t matter how different our physical features are from each other.  In regards to how the theme was created and then conveyed, I think the directors did a great job using the sounds in the short film to make it more enjoyable and funny, especially to the younger audience. 
            At the end of the film, when the birds try to get rid of the “outsider”, their plan backfires and they are faced with fear of flying into the sky because the power line they were all on was almost touching the ground.  This shows how directors can make a kids film to show that you should treat everyone as if they were the same as yourself.  I really enjoyed watching this film because it was interesting to see how the directors portrayed the theme.         

Image result for for the birds

Image result for for the birds 

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