Thursday, October 6, 2016


Today in class we watch a short film called Duel, and I had a slightly different view of it than what was discussed today in class. When I watched the film in class what I saw was kids having access to all the information they could ever want or need to have successful and rich life. However, what they actually got out of all that information was stuff that was useless and unimportant. I continued to see this as the theme until I saw the "girly" magazines taken away from the boy, and when this happened I started to see the idea of trying to conform children to a particular way of living and not giving them much room of choice. However, at the same time that my brain was looking at this film this way it was also looking at it in the other way that I mentioned earlier in this post. So I was looking at this film in two ways during the presentation. Both views however, ended in about the same place, and that is with the children seeing what was going on down the line and they where going to end up in dead end job of something they hate and making up their mind to change what they were doing to live their lives according to how they wanted to live them.

Image result for Duel

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