Thursday, October 6, 2016

A new appreciation

This past Sunday I got to re-watch the movie Big Hero 6 with my girlfriend, this was her first time seeing the movie however, and she loved it everything other than Baymax's death that. As this was a re-watch more I was noticing things that I hadn't noticed before, and it was very refreshing to see the things that you miss the first time through. Thanks to this class I have been able to watch this kind of shows with a new appreciation of the art behind them. For example the details in this film was something I hadn't picked up on before, but this time watching it I saw the details and was very surprised by the consistence of the details throughout the movie. Things such as details I have noticed myself noting in every other animation film I have watched this semester, and it has allowed me to have such a even greater appreciation for animation films that I have previously not had the pleasure of experiencing due to the tunnel vision I had on films.
Image result for big hero 6

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