Monday, October 17, 2016

Censorship Part 2

I will assume most of us live in dorms, but some of us might not, so you wouldn’t know about the community life agreement rule to not watch R rated movies in our dorms, unless you have heard about it.  The school doesn’t allow us to watch R rated movies while we are living in the dorms.  Many agree with this, while there are many who disagree with the decision to take away some freedom from us young adults.  Again, with the movies made today, some aren’t appropriate for us to be watching, especially at a Christian school. 
            Being students at a Christian school, we should be watching movies that bring glory to God in the way the characters act and are portrayed.  There is nothing wrong with watching humorous or action movies that have minimal or no cursing.  I don’t understand the minds of the people who make the movies.  In saying this, I would agree with Huntington’s life “laws” because they are trying to protect us and keep us safe in our everyday lives.  There are many other things that we can do to enjoy our free time. 
            I am not saying that I am in full understanding of this rule only for the reason that we are growing up and we should be able to make our own decisions.  But by saying we aren’t allowed to, this puts us in a weird position if we are wanting to watch these.  It will make us think twice about watching them and hopefully abiding by the rules that we have agreed to.

            As many of us think the school is taking away freedom that we should have as we grow up as adults, they are helping us to create good morals for us and our kids that will follow in our footsteps.  Instead of bashing on the “harsh” rules”, lets praise Huntington for helping us in the ways they think necessary. 

Image result for huntington university campus

Image result for no r rated movies;

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