Monday, October 17, 2016

Censorship Part 1

            Censorship is different for everyone, depending on your age, your parents, or your family background.  We had this discussion in class of whether the amount of censoring kids should be a lot, a small amount, or none at all.  I don’t think we, as a class agreed on one of those opinions that we spoke about, which is understandable because we all come from different backgrounds. With the movies and songs that are now being made in today’s society, there is a greater need for the discussion concerning the amount of censorship in the young lives of the world. 
            First of all, I am not a huge rap fan, especially due to the words that are spoken.  Personally, it is annoying when there are curse words every other word in the song, especially since I like the beats that are in the songs.  I believe kids should be censored in what they listen to, whether it be the words that are the issue, or the talk about drugs and alcohol.  There is too much that can be filled into their young minds. 
            Now, on to movies and television shows.  There is a lot of language that is used nowadays that is shown in commercials and isn’t bleeped out.  I think this is a poor decision by our society because, as stated before, it feeds horrible things to the brains of the young people in our lives.  Growing up, I always wanted to see the rated R movies because all of my friends were.  I didn’t agree then, but I do realize as I got older how bad some movies are.  There is no point of including nude people, cursing, and drugs into movies.  No one any age has to see that to think that the movie is enjoyable.

            Saying all of this, I think that the media consumed by children and young adults should be censored by our parents or people that are over us.  There is no reason to get angry with them when they want the best for us and don’t want us to be affiliated with the negative parts of society.  I understand that there are people that like the words that are being sung, but there is no need for all of the profanity.

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