Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Borrowed Time Short

Borrowed Time

This short is such an iconic one, because it takes a different look at things. It starts off as him walking to the edge and looking at the cliff in front of him reminding him of a dark memory. You see him flash back to him and a guy who is his dad and how they are bonding and the dad put his hat on the kids head and gave him his pocket watch. Then they get attacked by someone behind him and he takes the reigns. As he takes the reigns they hit a rock that causes both of them to fly out and he then sees his dad went over the cliff. As he looks he sees his dad barely holding on and he tries to help him. Eventually his dad pulls his gun out and they use that to lift him up, as he is almost up the son starts to have the gun slip from his hand. As this happens he hits the trigger causing a bullet to hit his dad, and all you see is blood all over the son. It then flashes forward to the kid as he is older at the very edge of that cliff. He then looks like he is going to jump after seeing all the brush still there after all these years, but then he sees the pocket watch, which stops him and he realizes that he is not meant to do that. It was so powerful to watch and is a must see.

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