Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Simply Gratitude

In high school, I wrote a paper entitled “Simply Gratitude”.  It focused on going through life and enjoying the little things.  This topic has become a sort of mantra in my life and it has definitely changed the way I look at the world.  I bring this up because I think art drags along the idea of complex thinking and interpretation, when sometimes the artist is simply trying to display what’s right in front of us and nothing deeper.  This isn’t the case for all artists or even most of them, but there are times when it just is what it is.  In my paper and in my life, I consider the fact of choosing happiness.  In every situation, unless something is chemically wrong, we can find something to be happy about.  We just have to be willing to look beyond the complexities and go to what’s in front of us.  If we viewed art as what it is and not what it’s saying to us, I find that in some cases it brings us the enjoyment we look for.  When we assume intricate meanings to works of art that are meant to be taken lightly, the value is lost and people aren’t impacted the way they should have been.  My challenge to everyone is to accept what’s handed to us, because when we look deeper, sometimes we miss the point.

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