Based on the novel of the same name, The Plague Dogs is a wonderfully
dark animated film. The film tells the story of two dogs, Rowf and Snitter, who
escape from an experimental laboratory that conducts animal experimentation.
The film starts off with Rowf who is swimming in a large water tank, which he
soon drowns in. After being revived by the scientists, it is revealed that Rowf
is used to experiment endurance capabilities. The beginning of the film delivers
the vary blunt message of animal cruelty through graphic images of experiments
being conducted on animals. As Rowf and Snitter escape the facility they bear
witness to the treatment of the other animals as they see many monkeys strapped
down to tables and enclosed in metal tanks. After escaping Rowf and Snitter
cause trouble as they try to find a master who will treat them right. It is
soon revealed to what Snitter was used for. Snitter was used for an
experimental brain surgery that throughout the film distorts his reality and
causes him to inadvertently kill a man after trying to jump on the man, who
Snitter believes is his old master who he blames himself for killing also, and accidentally
stepping the trigger of the man’s shotgun, blowing his face off. The film takes
a dramatic turn as it is discovered that the dogs may be infected with an
experimental plague virus. The film shows the dark side to animal
experimentation with the recurring narration of the scientist who talk about
the dogs and what they were used for. The film ends on a somber tone as the
dogs escape from the hunters, the military, and the scientists; yet, is somehow
happier that it actually is. The Plague Dogs is a terrific and wonderfully somber
film that is worth the watch.
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