Sunday, November 6, 2016

Dodge Ball

I just watched Dodge Ball for the first time this weekend on the way to our bowling tournament in Georgia. “If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball.” A famous quote by Patches, the seven time dodgeball champion. If you haven’t watched Dodge Ball, you need to. It’s an incredibly funny movie. Dwight Goodman tries to out buy Peter LaFuer’s gym because he doesn’t want any “competition” and he just wants to own it all. Dwight is rich and thinks he can do anything he wants. Dwight used to be a very very big man, now he is lean and fit. If Peter didn’t get $50,000 buy the end of the month, he was losing his gym. But one of the kids from his gym convinced him to fight because that gym was a part of everyone there. The only way he could win the $50,000 was to win a dodgeball tournament at nationals. When Dwight found out what he was going to do, he joined the competition. Patches trained Peter’s team in dodgeball. Once they made it to nationals, Patches died by an electric sign dropping on him (also, he was in a wheel chair). The team started to fall apart and separate. After everyone decided to do it for patches, it came down to a sudden death match where Peter won the $50,000 but there was a bunch of complications between him and Dwight and Peter ended up owning Dwight’s business as well as his own and being very rich. You could say that things worked out for him in the end.

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