A friend introduced me to a neat strategy RPG over the summer known as Der Langrisser. The story involves three opposing factions (potentially four) who wish to obtain or prevent someone from obtaining the Dark Blade known as Alhazard, which has the power to destroy the surface of the world and more. Your character, playing a very crucial and decisive role, can wield the legendary Light Blade, Langrisser, the only known counter for Alhazard's power. Your decisiveness, however, lies in the choice to pursue a faction and their ambitions. Your choices will affect the whole continent of El Sallia, as you wage war against one another to promote your own peace. The characters are extremely likable and most of them are dynamic and are full of life. The music is fantastic as well, setting the mood of decisiveness and the weight of such decision on your shoulders. An empire seeks to create peace through unbreakable rule, a dark master seeks to rid the world of disgusting humans and promote the life of dark beings whom were once discriminated against, a group of young leaders seek to promote peace by stopping the Rayguard Empire from obtaining and awakening Alhazard's full potential. The fate of the world and its consequences lie within your decisions in Der Langrisser.
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