Sunday, November 13, 2016

All that is left is HOPE.

It is safe to say that the results of this election has this country in a state of worry, anxiousness, and divide. The social media is being flooded with endless amounts of videos and images of all these protests going on across the US, that it gives myself and others the thought of, how much worse can this possibly get? We all know that even before the big election day through the entire campaign it was a matter that had the attention of the entire nation zoomed in on it. Now we find out who are next president is and the tension continues to rise. I myself can say that personally, I was not a fan of this debate but can also say that I did not support Trump nor did I vote for him. I have my reasons to say why I dislike a man like Donald Trump, but I'm trying to avoid having to write almost 4 blogs worth of just complete rant about it. The main idea I am trying to get at is, as people of this country we cannot allow ourselves to stay quiet about our free will of speech. We are entitled to an opinion. Although a statement may not change the outcome of the election, I believe a voice should still be worth listened to. All these protests should not cause greater conflict between our people. "Land of the free, home of the brave." We have people who are protesting because they want their own voices to be heard. There should be no love loss between anyone just because another person disagrees with one another. I'm a CA native, I've lived their my entire life. I am half Mexican and half Filipino. My mom's side being from Mexico and my dad's side from the Philippines. In CA it's safe to say that being of the Latino culture your not voting for Donald Trump. I am okay with saying that. I have nothing to hide on my part. But what I do disagree with is when we try to just jump to conclusions about what is going to happen next for family's like myself and others. We have to let this ride out and trust that the people of this country made the right decision. We don't know because it hasn't started yet. It is not in our hands, the cards aren't always dealt the way we want them to be. We won't know what works until we try it. Our people made the decision, now its time to see if it was the right decision.

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