Monday, October 10, 2016

Turtle Power! Part 2
I watched an episode while writing this post. While watching it I started to wonder why my parents let me watch it. First off, the first words that are said after the theme song are by Mikey and they are “What the shell have we gotten ourselves into?” Now me being an adult now I know what that meant but I don’t think my 9-year-old self knew what he was insinuating. Now that I think about it: They used that word a few more times in the shows and still pre-teen me never noticed.

Episode I watched

The best parts of the series and probably why it has done so well is the team work aspect, the good vs. evil (turtles vs. Shredder, Purple Dragon Gang, Karai, the foot clan, and other various baddies), and Family values (they’re inseparable). The only parts that are questionable are the violence and the “language”. Violence because, talking from experience/ an accident, children are impressionable by nature. “Monkey see Monkey do”, right? I had always wanted to be Leonardo and why not? He was smart, a leader, a ninja, and used my favorite weapons: SWORDS (katanas but I didn’t know what they were called back then) Any way semi-long story really short Lincoln Log roof pieces + little to no balance + my ninja skills (and imagination) + rocking chair = Lincoln log roof pieces in cheek, blood everywhere, and stiches in my left cheek, and cool scare. I was still able to watch TMNT after that… mom and dad, I don’t know if that was the best idea.
Image result for leonardo tmnt 2003 with quote

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