Wednesday, October 19, 2016


You are probably wondering to yourself right now, "Why in the heck should I read this dumb article?" and you probably are right to think that. Spider-Man is my favorite superhero and has been since I was about 2 years old. The first time I watched the first Spider-Man major motion picture was with my father. Back in the day, i never really got to see my father. Every so often i'd go to his house and me and my brother would be there a day or two and then we'd be straight back at mom's. I always cherished my time with my father but not having seeing him everyday was hard. When i was growing up, i never had a relationship with my dad. He just kinda was there. I knew him and i saw him but, he wasn't the dad that was always there in the important times. He took me to see Spider-Man the first week it came out in theaters back in 2002. It was the first movie i remember seeing with my dad. He didn't like it but i loved it. It's still one of my favorite movies to this day, not just because it's Spider-Man, but it's one of the most memorable times i have with my dad. It meant alot to me because it showed to me that he cared and paid attention to his son. He knew that i loved Spider-Man and being with my dad seeing the first major motion picture Spider-Man was pretty cool. Every time i now watch that movie, it always brings me back to seeing it with my dad and how much he means to me now.
Image result for spiderman

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