Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Sound in Media

As I mentioned in class today, I love the sound effect that Co Hoedeman used for the ladybug's walking in "Tchou Tchou." The sound of rhythmic cymbals as the ladybug moved made me happy, but why? Probably, I was naturally attuned to the sound because I love music. In addition, I played in Jazz band in middle school, so the somewhat jazzy cymbal beat likely brought up good memories there. But I think there might have been another reason.

Maybe this is just me, but I felt like the cymbal beat was appropriate for the ladybug. In nature, we don't hear cymbals whenever a ladybug walks by. I think we all know that. Still, the cymbals sounded chaotic yet controlled, similar to how the ladybug's legs were moving. It was a beautiful example of music hitting a (excuse the pun) chord with the actions that we were seeing.

I think that music is really important for animation like this. When sound effects stand out (for a good reason), they can enhance the experience ten-fold. If the only sound that came from the scurrying ladybug was a slight shuffle, I might not have even noticed. But because the ladybug's movements were given life by the jazzy cymbals, I enjoyed myself even more. More often than not, these little sound effects are overlooked, but I hope that we can at least appreciated Co Hodeman for his excellent use of sound in this short animation.

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