Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Please Vote

Look, I understand why people are reluctant to vote this year.  The candidates are not top-notch, and this overall election is just so much more different than previous elections.  Also, you might think that your one single vote will have no overall significance on the outcome, and you may be correct. The winner of this election will win by thousands of votes.  But you need to look at the bigger picture.  We are privileged to vote and have a say in who becomes the leader of our nation.  Other countries are not privileged like us in this way.  We have a republic, and it is our duty that is stays that way.  Also, if you do not vote, you have no room to complain with the president that gets elected.  Trust me, there are going to be plenty of reasons to complain with policies in the near future.  If you do not vote, your opinion literally means nothing because you had a chance to voice your opinion in the election and you failed to do so. Abraham Lincoln once said, "Elections belong to the people. It's their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the people and burn their behinds, then they will have to sit on their blisters." I also believe we have a duty to the members of the military who are putting their lives on the line for this country.  They have helped secure our rights.  Voting gives us the opportunity to pay off the debt that we owe to them.  Lastly, you will probably get a free sticker if you vote. Who doesn't love free stuff?
Image result for usa
Image result for I voted

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