Thursday, October 6, 2016

Kind of for Kids

Children’s entertainment is a crucial part of our society. At such a young age, children are incredibly impressionable and in order to make sure they develop healthily it’s important to make sure what they’re taking in from media is good for them. Television and streaming services are a huge part of the entertainment most kids partake in today. While I don’t believe that everything should be censored, I believe that it’s important to monitor what kids are watching, and adjust it as appropriate for their age and maturity level.

Movies and shows are a great way for kids to learn about things. Just look at show like Dora the Explorer, Sesame Street, and more. Plus, even the ones that aren’t so educational can be great entertainment and even perhaps promote some creativity. Phineas and Ferb is one of my personal favorites, and I think that it fits that criteria perfectly. Parents should be watching what their kids take in, but they should also use what they watch as something to talk about so that they can educate, inform, and help their children grow.

My parents did this a lot. Through both books and TV, there were quite a few discussions had that helped me and my brother learn proper morals, good ways to behave, and good outlets for our creativity. So don’t cut out a bunch of children’s programming arbitrarily, just be mindful of what kids are watching, and use it to help them grow.

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