Tuesday, October 11, 2016


The film Duel by Pavel Koutsky depicts the process of teaching kids school subjects as just cramming as much  information as possible in the children's brain . It first shows the kid as a baby and society allowing him to have fun with drawing and stories, but as soon as he turns a certain age they take away those things, meaning, of course, they take away "creativity". The creator then goes on to show society sticking a funnel in his head and cram as much information as they can in him in the hopes of turning him into an "adult".
This film would be correct if it were exactly how it was portrayed. If everyone went one by one and had knowledge crammed in them, then perhaps society's education ideals would take away all creativity. However, I believe the major flaw in this sort of theory would be the fact that everyone encourages friends. They put you in classrooms with others to encourage you to talk to others. Friends help keep the creativity while the education system, in my opinion, is meant to 'cram knowledge in you'.
Even the video showed the group of kids fight back against the norm' of the boring education system. Although, even this depiction has its problems. Even though nearly no kid likes to learn these things I think that instead of fighting this with their friends, kids just do things that build their imaginations together

                                  .  Image result for Duel Pavel Koutsky

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