Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Duel - Disallowing kids to explore

The Duel by Pavel Koutsky, produced in 1997, is an animated short film that shows kids growing up in a society where there is a boat load of information available to them.  However, they experience the information being crammed and "funneled" into their brains.  This to me was showing that the information being fed to them was not the information that they necessarily wanted to read or learn about.  As a kid we have a strong imagination and desire to keep that.  However, as we grow up we tend to lose this "fantasy world" that lives inside us.  To state that this is a bad or good thing is not what I wish to argue, rather as I watched the film I began to understand it as information that was changing us.  We see this depicted in the film a couple times both when the boy is looking at the "playboy" magazine and at the fictitious, fun novels that he was enjoying to read which was taken away from him.  The information that we desire to learn should be consumed as well as the information that is required by our superiors in life.  If this happens, I feel as if there would be no retaliation from becoming an adult.  The information that we grasp a daily basis should be both formal and intuitive as well as fun and entertaining.  By having both of these types of information within us, I feel as if it keeps us in a sense as a child still which is a good thing.

 Image result for the duel by pavel koutsky

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