Tuesday, October 18, 2016


One of my favorite genres in movies is comedies. Most movies have in other genres have a hidden message or hidden meaning and threrefore make you think a lot about them afterwards. After watching most movies, you often feel like you need to think about it to understand it fully.

The good thing about comedies is that they most often just mindless, the only purpose they have is to make you laugh and nothing else. That is good because sometimes you just want to be able to turn your brain off and laugh hard. Personally I don't care if the movie makes no sense or if the story just ridiculous the only thing that matters to me is if it makes me laugh. It's often said that laughter is good for you and comedies are a good source for that.

Every movie genre has its own purpose, most genres make you think about it, or feel for the characters or just make you feel and that is good, movies are supposed to be artistic and inspire but sometimes you just have to watch them purely for fun.

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