Tuesday, October 11, 2016


Seeing the works of Co Hoedeman today in class reminded me of the lecture that Professor Leeper did titled "Art in motion: the Aesthetics of Animation". Looking back one quote really stuck with me from that night. It was by Martin Buber, "Creation is not a hurdle on the road to God, it is the road itself". Another comment was made either that night or the next day in class about how the only denial of God is not creating anything. I spent many hours the next few days thinking about how true this statement was. Our creations are sacrifices and point to a creator. Scripture says that we are made in his image and because of that there is a creator in all of us. Granted that some of us are more creative gifted that others in actual art. I believe that no matter what your occupation is there is some sort of creation element to it. Mathematicians create and find solutions to problems that relate to everyday life around us! Lawyers create a convincing case for their defendant. Janitors take what is gross and unappealing to others and clean it up to create a pleasant space for others to enjoy. We all are creators and we are all artists. 

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